1. pl
  2. en
  3. es
  1. pl
  2. en
  3. es

 I firmly believe that we are living in such times, when it is necessary to focus all our attention ( because energy follows the attention) on creating and maintaining the desired vision of the reality we want to live in.

 This is also what the Wheel of Fortune serves.


 It came about as a result of a kind of synthesis of my current beliefs and knowledge, and appeared in the form of

a vision when I was in a slightly different state of consciousness, which always accompanies me during my visits to the enchanted forest of  La Gomera.


 So what is this process?

It is the graphic representation and conscious integration of the states we want to experience in our dreamed, optimal life.


 In a sense, it is a kind of Mandala of Wellbeing broadly defined.


In the process, we take into account three main areas of our lives that, for everyone without exception, are important and even, one might even say, essential for the healthy functioning of every human being:

  • Health,
  • Relationships and
  • Wealth.


 The neurographic drawing that our Wheel of Fortune will present to us is prior to a precise intention that crystallises during the personal, individual process that precedes the creative act. 


 We have the opportunity to enter very deeply to get in touch with ourselves, to delve into one's Essence, into our deepest needs, the longings of the Soul.

In a word, it is an expedition for a personal golden rune :)

