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3H live workshop

price 35 euro


MONIKA, 0034 685 866 365

JANYA, instructor of Neurographic

0034 602 825 246


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For two days, surrounded by beautiful Nature at Finca La Fuente and friendly people, using the range of possibilities offered by NEUROGRAPHIC, we will construct a graphic symbol of our perfect, dream state of being.

Being in the flow.


Each day is a separate entity, which allows you to take part in either both days or just one, if you have the space.


The cost of one day is €50

(price includes a vegetarian meal, made with organic vegetables, straight from the garden!).

The possibility of overnight accommodation (30 or 50 euro, depending on the option chosen).



AGATA, finca La Fuente:

0034 685 051 586


JANYA, instructor of Neurographic

0034 602 825 246

09.11-16.11 2024


A holiday with development in the background, i.e. the Wheel of Fortune process in the embrace of Mother Nature, especially felt here on Gomera.







cost - 1100€

(including workshops, accommodation and vegetarian meals)



plane to Tenerife and ferry to Gomera


plane to Gran Canaria and plane to Gomera


 This is a series of workshops where we practice the art of tuning into flow, using a variety of tools and methods of transformation, including through NEUROGRAPHY.


 It is a specific type, way, of drawing that activates and stimulates additional neuronal connections in the brain, which makes it possible to transform unwanted patterns and thereby expanding consciousness.


  Each drawing is created with a predetermined precise intention. It is a unique process that changes our consciousness, paving the way to our Essence and giving greater clarity, lucidity in everyday life.

  It allows us to design our future by graphically representing both our fears and our needs and resources, harmonize them

and integrate, and finally transform them consciously.


  Through drawing, which in our subconscious is usually combined with an element of play, we are guaranteed to engage our inner child.


  In turn, the act of drawing itself, apart from the obvious activation of creative potentials, is also stimulating for our brain and in a remarkable way allows us to build new neuronal connections, both within the same hemisphere, as well as those we care most about, i.e. connecting the two cerebral hemispheres.


  Flow Art consists of several modules, each of which is an independent whole and can be applied individually.

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I trust in a flow of life and I trust that what life is bringing to me is what is meant for me and I open myself up and  I receive it.

And I trust that what is not meant for me will pass through me and I open and release it, with love and grace.

I feel the peace that is inside of me.



Life is a constant change, a constant flow.

Blood, lymph, energy, water, photons of light, information in the end.


FLOW ART is the ability to be in the flow, in every area.


It is the art of being flexible, attuned to the flow of the River of Life.

It's the ability to balance between tension and relaxation. 

It's also about fun and lightness.


In my work I combine many elements, many areas. I pay special attention to the body

and its reactions, because it is our greatest ally. Faithful and honest. It never lies.

Careful observation of the body is

a treasure trove of knowledge

and useful information about ourselves.


I also include all the senses in the area of the 'body', although I particularly use the sense of sight and touch (especially when working with drawing).







  Flow Art is an expression of my inspiration and the fruit of many years of experience and combined knowledge. 


So far I have developed several processes, each of which is an independent whole and can be presented in several ways, in the form of workshops:

- a couple of hours

- one-day,

- weekend,

or a retreat of several days (or, if you prefer, a holiday from the matrix ;) ).


For each module has a simple and an extended version.

I also run retreats, the program of which may include several modules, adapted to the needs of the participants.

about me

Anna Janya

  I am a physiotherapist by profession.

However, most of my professional life is related to alternative medicine in the broadest sense, personal development and art, or rather creation, the creative act.


  I have been practising Lomi Lomi Nui massage for 30 years.

Along the way I have met countless teachers from all therapies, healing, shamanism and art.


  For more than 25 years I have been conducting development workshops, mainly based on Huna, the Hawaiian concept of life, but also the latest developments in science (quantum physics or nanopsychology).


  10 years ago I decided to live on the small island of La Gomera.

  4 years ago I became enthralled by Neurography, which has become an integral part of my daily life, both personal and professional.