How many different pieces are hidden inside us?
How many different roles do we play in life?
On how many levels do we function?
For proper, healthy functioning, we need harmony between all our bits and pieces.
Famous recently, perhaps even a little overused, but arguably absolutely essential in the new times ahead, is the coherence of heart and mind.
These two centers of command have very different priorities, sometimes even contradictory ones. It is in our best interest to make sure that there is not only harmony between them, but also cooperation on a preferably cosmic scale :)
This is when we tune into a special frequency, where the level of efficiency, of manifestation, is sometimes called
a miracle, but is it, or is it just our natural state, which we have forgotten a little?
It is worth finding out for ourselves.
A separate topic is the cooperation between the Lower Self, the Middle Self and the Higher Self.
The ancient Hawaiian Knowledge, known as Huna, has
a particular view on the connections between the two.
We go deeper into these relationships in the workshop, but for now
I would just like to point out that harmony between the two is simply essential and so be it :)
As for the balance between the inner woman, and the man,
I don't think I need to comment on that, it's obvious, after all.
When listing the ways in which we divide ourselves in various ways, we cannot fail to mention the now classic distinction between Body, Mind and Spirit
None of them can feel great if any of the others are deficient.
And so it goes!
Our task, then, is to bring about a sacred harmony, a Golden Rule,
a balance between these elements.
Out of the entire palette of means and tools at our disposal, I will only highlight two of the most important: neurography and Huna practices.