1. pl
  2. en
  3. es
  1. pl
  2. en
  3. es
  1. pl
  2. en
  3. es

Abundance is a state.

A good-state.

One can feel the abundance while living in a cave
and eating just the gifts of nature and raw food, whereas another time one can see themselves as poor and insufficient still as a millionaire.

I, however, am a follower of the Golden Middle. 

In everything.

Abundance must be nurtured and its image should be taken care of, especially in the eyes of our Soul, but also in the inner child's eyes, for instance!

It is necessary to take care of the good quality of the seeds we want to sow, so that the fruit they bear will give us satisfaction
and fulfilment.

This is what we do during this process:

We check the quality of our seeds, we carefully select them and make sure that they are in the right soil, well nourished and properly watered.

Because only then can we be guaranteed that the crops will give us satisfaction and a sense of fulfilment.



During this workshop, we will of course support ourselves with neurography, using its enormous potential. We will use the neurotree and/or shamanic rain algorithm (depending on the time allocated for the workshop, one or two days differ in the programme).

Both algorithms belong to the so-called growth group, i.e. they work to energise the subject and strengthen it so that it can "grow" strong and healthy :))

They reinforce our vision, allowing us to build additional neuronal connections in the brain, which gives us the opportunity to accept our potentials and trigger the state of implementation - the manifestation of the vision.

